Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Religious versus Mission Giving

Donations is often a hot topic among missionaries. The faith we develop as we see God continually supply is amazing -but we do often find ourselves asking "Where is God's provision?" I think this arises because we see so much need around us and we often give so much of our own money to meet those needs. My observations tell me that mission workers give far more than the average American citizen.
I read a headline today that said that donations in 2008 had declined by 2%. My instincts told me this was true due to the continuing economic situation. However, I was curious. I went the source of the study. Giving USA Foundation conducted the study and commented that the decline was not significant given the severity of the economic downturn. However there was very good news as I read the whole report! The study found that "Religious congregations and other religious organizations received an estimated $106.89 billion . . . This is the second year that giving to religion has exceeded $100 billion. Giving to religion increased an estimated 5.5 percent (1.6 percent adjusted for inflation)." WOW! I was actually shocked! How could this be? Studies have always shown that the vast majority of religious giving comes from the lower 2/3 of the people economically - yet, they had increased their giving when they were hit the hardest by the downturn!
I am still unsure how to interpret this information. I'm sure someone has done a study of where all the religious donations go. I don't see it on the mission field. The missionaries I know have had serious declines in donations and have had to work harder to get what they get which takes them off the field. One missionary I know received nothing one month! Others have had to step up their fund raising activities by making trips to the U.S.
I just know, my faith is in Jehovah-Jireh! He knows my every need. It is my job to adjust my lifestyle and ministry to His provision. Only He can break into people's hearts and help them see what He sees. God is good - all the time!

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