Saturday, November 10, 2007

Prayer and Preparation Update

If there is one thing I have learned the past month or so, it is this:
  • When you jump into God's River, the destination is inevitable!

In other words, God is so gracious to honor our surrender to Him. As we totally surrender to Him, he multiplies our time and resources by taking care of the details. Some examples in our journey are:

  • We have a serious prospect for the sale of our home without utilizing a realtor or even putting up a sign! (Pray with us over the details, we have a major meeting with the potential buyers this week) The potential buyers are also Christians and have a serious interest in our mission work.
  • Even though we have not begun asking for support, friends, family, and people we did not previously know are asking how they can contribute! (Pray as we work out these details. We will have information on how money should be contributed as a tax deduction very soon)
  • God continues to lead people into our lives that have the expertise to help us with things such as travel, insurance, new skills, etc. (Pray that we are wise in our decision making over these details)
  • God has moved on each of our hearts, individually, to extend our commitment to two years. Jullianne came home from a weekend retreat last week and shared with us over dinner that she had something to share. She told us that she felt God was telling us to stay for two years. This was an answer to my prayer!

Additional prayer opportunities:

  • Favor as our sponsor applies for our VISAs.
  • Opportunities to share our vision with others.
  • Richard Isindu, our sponsor in Kenya. Pray for his strength and continued anointing in his work.

May God richly bless all of you as you continue to provide prayer support for God's work in our lives.

David, Janene, and Jullianne

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FYI: I have increased my walking to 10 miles per week and thusly my prayer time for your trip has increased. I am including my dad's email in this reply because, having been in Kenya for 10 years and then serving as the Field Director for North & Central Africa for the next 10, I believe he may be able to help you or at the very least advise you on stuff as you travel. It is His name is Fred Brannen. I hope this helps. He still travels quite frequently over there and back. He knows where to get good exchange rates on money...what to and not to do socially and a few other things. I asked him and he said that it was fine to give you his email. I am really earnestly seeking God for your family as you prepare to make this HUGE step of faith.